Lights One Music / Concerts

We are sharing 3 different Healing concerts, they are: Lights One Intuitive, Lights One Elements, Lights One Rituals

Lights One Intuitive

Interdimensional Music Therapy

A  group therapy session with voice and various musical instruments such as gongs, sitar and other tools. Sound is a powerful tool to enter into a meditative state and connect to its essence. Certain sounds, including types of music or ambient noise of nature, helps bring back the natural balance, promoting an overall sense of well being.

An interdimensional bridge is created where a timeless journey through the inner universe begins allowing our level of consciousness and our extrasensory perception to expand, viewing subtle dimensions, where we can connect ourselves with the higher energies of our being. Vibrant, penetrating and afloat ...  

Lights One Elements

The five Elements concert. Each song will connect the public to the five diffeent elements of entire life here on Earth, they will re connect human with mother earth in a travel inside themselfes , cleansing all the depts and struggles we have, connecting to higher sources of energy.

Lights One Rituals

A  group therapy session with voice and various musical instruments such as tibetan bowls, tunning forks, gongs, binaural and solfeggio frequencies, and other tools.
Rituals join 3 Therapist in one healing concert, and our aim is to share the knowledge between worlds and connect again as a family we are!


An intimate and harmonious energy, a magical celebration of life!

We usually use voice as an instrument, electronic and atmospheric sounds, binaural frequencies. We also invite many artists to play from every city we visit, with instruments like the Sitar, singing bowls, gongs, didgeridoo, etc.

The key is sharing in togetherness...
Strong, fair, fraternal, united lights, coming from each of us first!


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